Conclusion The pathologic changes in commissural area can predict the effect of PBMV. Commissural area calcification is a convenient single index with good reproducibility to predict the reserve mitral function after PBMV. 结论本研究进一步证明,交界区的病理改变能较好地预测二尖瓣球囊扩张(PBMV)的效果;检测交界区钙化与否方法简便,重复性好,是检测PBMV后二尖瓣储备功能的良好单独预测指标。
Pathologic studies on the senile degenerative cardiac valvular calcification 老年退行性心脏瓣膜钙化的病理学研究
Objective To explore the clinical characteristics and pathologic mechanism of basal ganglia calcification combined with cerebral infarction. 目的探讨基底核钙化并脑梗死小儿的临床特点和发病机制。
NB can not be detected by routine detective methods, which cause inflammation by releasing toxin and lead extraskeletal calcification ( pathologic calcification) in the infected cells. 常规方法不能检测,具有矿化的特性。它能感染人体内多种细胞,一方面释放毒素引起组织炎症,同时也能导致被感染细胞发生骨骼外钙化(病理性钙化)。